
This subject is always asked and some are divided on the answer, but I believe there are many more in complete agreement that God's grace rules. We see that it is God's unmerited favor (grace) that we are forgiven when it comes to divorce. God hates divorce and at all costs He wants a marriage to work out; but not at the expense of brutality, harmful activities, abuse to either spouse and /or children. Marriage is a sacred matrimony under God, for it is God who developed the family in the first place.

A family fosters love and harmony to correct and care for children, it provides for a man and a woman to share their talents for bringing up a child. When there is a divorce, even the best one in town, is a disaster from God's view. Basically a married couple being believers makes up the church. Satan is always trying to separate a marriage because he knows what it does to everyone and eventually what harm it may cause a whole nation. We have a nation today with single parents being an all time high, children growing up in a home that is more like a house, yes there are certain families that survive with a single parent, but it is hard and it takes commitment, with God's Grace.

In the Old Testament there were certain rules to follow for God's children (the Israelites) to follow in certain cases. In the New Testament, JESUS speaks to this clearly and we are to learn from Him, the apostles have been taught by the Holy Spirit and they command certain guidelines. There are many ways to heal a broken marriage, and yes there is divine life in Jesus after a divorce. I am listing herein below some scriptures for you to follow and learn by. If you are a Christian and understand your commitment to the Lord and both partners believe the same, then it can work out. God is not short on healing emotions, forgiving and causing each partner to forgive. If that time has passed, then healing can take place by forgiving the other partner, no matter what they did or where, you can reach out to the Lord and forgive when there is no way to reach (physically) the other ex-spouse or even if you wanted to, because of the circumstances.

The children have to be healed by Christian upbringing when things go bad, so that they know how to reach the Lord for their life to unfold from this hurt.

Failure principles: if we fail in these things, and our marriage fails, it would be best to not re-marry. But it is not prohibited if we either confess the sins that we committed in causing or contributing to the failure and commit not to repeat them; or we truly did not contribute to the failure (rare, but very possible). So we can see forgiveness of sins is the main operative basis here. Look to 1 John 1:9 that if we confess our sins He is just to forgive us our sins and make us whole. Again, grace.