
Father in Heaven, I come before you this hour and ask that you forgive me of my sins, those I have done willingly and those I did unknowingly. I accept and believe that Jesus Christ is your Son and that he became flesh and was crucified, dead and buried, raised on the third day and now has ascended into heaven and sits at your right hand. His sacrifice was for my sins and the world, Lord Jesus come into my heart, change my life, give me Grace, guide my steps by your Spirit who now lives within me, as I receive your forgiveness.

Thank you Lord and I believe by faith that I have been forgiven and now free from the bondage of sin. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Lord Jesus, this is my second prayer, now that I have received forgiveness and am born again, I have some problems outstanding that I need a miracle this hour.

(Dear Brother / Sister, this is where you lift up your needs to the Lord, for instance, you may have an illness, a horrible marriage issue, sickness or tragedy concerning your child or children, no place to live, no food, no way to travel, no job, perhaps you have known the Lord previously, but fell away due to the events of the world that drew you away and you want to re-establish your relationship, lay these all out to the Lord, right here, right now)

Lord I submit these issues and needs to you by faith, and I desire to receive your "rest" that you are working ways right now to deliver, bless and cause things to change, bring servants of yours to help me. Lord I believe, but help my unbelief.

I ask in your Name Lord JESUS, thank you.

Now, I must tell you, this prayer means more than you can "see". Some of you having prayed, will feel all sorts of emotions, some less, some more, some none, the Lord works with all of us very differently, to say the very least. BUT, I can tell you without hesitance, He will begin to move in your life, even more so than you can figure. In the world of God (The Bible) he states, I hear your prayers even before you pray, so rest in the fact you have a loving Father / partner with you right now to guide you, care for you, provide and develop for you, a new way.

May I say, be careful, the enemy of God is also your enemy, and now that you have accepted JESUS in your heart, the enemy will attempt to discourage you in many ways. One, would be to bring heavy doubt that God even heard your prayers, there is no God, and so forth, don't allow those thoughts to crowd your brain, deny all such lies in JESUS name.

Second, he will bring old friends or those who are not saved to entice you into or back into ways of the past that are damaging to you, don't accept those invitations.

Third, beware of previous addictions to come about in a strong way to overcome you, no, don't allow, keep praying The Lord knows where you are, and how to lead you in a way of escape.

If you have children instill in them the safety of the Lord, pray over them constantly, looking for the Lord to bring people, give you favor, direction into places of help.

My friend, this is a new start, or a new hope if you knew the Lord before. With His help you can do it, on your own, forget it.
God speed :-) Pastor John