
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray you will, Guard his life and protect him. Give him wisdom to make the choices You want him to make. Give him a tender heart of compassion for those he serves. Protect him from arrogance that would lead him to abuse his power. Teach him to regard life as You do. Give him godly conviction and holy desire.

Give him courage to do the right thing even when expected to do the wrong thing. Make his words reflective of a proud and grateful people. Convict him of all contrary action to his Christian profession. Protect the First Family from those who want to harm them. Lead him in the path of Righteousness, not what he thinks right. Keep him from straying any further from godly principles. Desire to do the right thing for the right reason.

May his actions be consistent with the U.S. Constitution he promised to protect. Expose all works of iniquity and convict him of sin. Make his way parallel to Your way. Keep his thoughts pure and his walk blameless. May their spouse and children be supportive. Break down his excuses for wrong decisions.

Fill his cup with wisdom to see as You do and not as men. May the State of the Union reflect Your opinion and not his. Show him Your footsteps and give him wisdom to follow. Compassion equal to his passion. Give him hunger for righteousness. Deliver him from opinions contrary to your Word. Make him a man of God in spite of his tendencies. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen