
Dear Heavenly Father,

I pray that you will build a spirit of sacrificial love in me toward my life partner. Teach me to love my spouse today the same way Jesus loves me. Bless my spouse today with your richest blessing in Christ Jesus. Provide the spiritual needs of my spouse in a way that glorifies You.

Teach both of us to trust your Word without compromise. Help me to be faithful to the covenant I made. Give my spouse confidence to trust Your Word without exception. Cover them with a hedge of protection. Meet their unstated needs.

Give them a powerful resistance to sin. Give me ears to hear what they're really saying. May they get healthier everyday. Give them joy. Give them a healthy doctor's report Thank you for one more day to love them. Encourage them with your Word.

May they grow closer to You today. Go before them and prepare the way. Strengthen their step today. Extend their loving influence.. Enhance my hearing, to listen to them. Bless them for the way they've blessed others. Lead them toward righteous paths. Bless them for the way they've blessed me. Carry them where they can't go on their own. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen